
Python and Cython wrappers for Cygwin’s C API.


pip install Cython
pip install PyCygwin

Naturally, this is only installable in Cygwin-provided Python (i.e. where sys.platform == 'cygwin'). Cython is currently an installation requirement, unfortunately, as PyPI will not allow uploading wheels for the Cygwin platform.

Alternatively, you can direct pip to the wheels uploaded to GitHub, in which case Cython should not be needed:

pip install

for Python 3.6, or for Python 2.7:

pip install


The initial version (v0.1) does not provide a complete cover for the API. It only supports three useful functions:

  • cygwin.cygpath() – this provides a (partial) equivalent to the cygpath system utility, supporting the most useful functionality thereof (that is, converting Cygwin paths to native Windows paths and vice-versa).
  • cygwin.winpid_to_pid() – converts the native Windows PID of a process to its PID in Cygwin (if it is a Cygwin process).
  • cygwin.pid_to_winpid() – likewise, converts the PID of a Cygwin process to its native Windows PID.


High-level Python wrappers for Cygwin API functions.

cygwin.cygpath(path, mode='unix', absolute=True)

Provides a Python implementation of Cygwin path conversion à la the cygpath system utility from Cygwin.

Currently this does not supply a full replacement for the cygpath utility, but does provide the most common functionality (replacing UNIX paths with Windows paths and vice-versa).

  • path (str or path-like) – The path to convert; either a UNIX-style path or a Windows-style path.
  • mode (str, optional) – Currently supports one of 'u'/'unix' or 'w'/'windows' indicating the style of path to return (regardless of the style of the input path, which can be either) (default: 'unix').
  • absolute (bool, optional) – If True, return an absolute path; otherwise return a relative path (default: True).


For conversions from a given POSIX path to its associated Windows path, most paths starting with / and not under /cygdrive will be relative to the Cygwin install path:

>>> import os, cygwin
>>> cyg_root = cygwin.cygpath('/', 'w')
>>> cygdrive = os.path.dirname(cygwin.cygpath('C:\\').rstrip('/'))

However, /cygdrive paths are special and will map directly to the equivalent Windows path (the path does not have to actually exist):

>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cygdrive + '/c/Windows', 'w'))
>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cygdrive + '/q/DOES_NOT_EXIST', 'w'))

When going from Windows to POSIX paths, if the path is relative to the Cygwin install root, then the returned path will be directly under /, without the cygdrive prefix, even if it doesn’t exist:

>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cyg_root))
>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cyg_root + '\\usr'))
>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cyg_root + '\\does_not_exist'))

However, if the Windows path is not relative to the Cygwin install root then the returned path is relative to the cygdrive prefix:

>>> pth = cygwin.cygpath('C:\\')
>>> pth
>>> pth == os.path.join(cygdrive, 'c/')
>>> pth = cygwin.cygpath('Q:\\DOES_NOT_EXIST')
>>> pth
>>> pth == os.path.join(cygdrive, 'q/DOES_NOT_EXIST')

Converts the native Windows PID of a Cygwin process to its Cygwin PID.

Sometimes these are identical, but they don’t have to be. Raises an OSError if the PID does not exist, or does not map to a Cygwin PID.

Parameters:pid (int) – The PID of a Windows process to look up in Cygwin.

Converts the PID of a Cygwin process to its native Windows PID.

Raises OSError(ESRCH, ...) if no process with the given PID exists.

Parameters:pid (int) – The PID of a Cygwin process to convert.